Posted by: conradvisionquest | March 13, 2011

The Honeymoon is Over?

When I first became vegetarian a year ago and eventually vegan, I was full of enthusiasm and curiosity. I wanted to know anything and everything about being vegan, food issues, and of course, yummy recipes. These days that enthusiasm has gone from boiling to a simmer, and I am settling in to a lifestyle that works best for me. Life happens, and things change.

One thing that hasn’t changed is my love for animals. And although my goal at every meal is for it to be vegan, this sometimes does not happen. I won’t apologize for this, as I am doing what is going to be sustainable for me. I won’t go into the boring specifics here of what I am doing or not doing, but I will say that I am not as black and white as I was when I first started. The past me would have reprimanded the current me for the choices I am making today, but I can’t dwell on that.

I can only refer to Donald Watson’s definition of vegan that I have noted here in the past, which is…

“a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude — as far as is possible and practical — all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, animals and the environment .”

Does this mean I am trying to give myself a loop hole to do whatever I want? Some would say that. All I can say is that through this journey I have educated myself and become aware of things that I was not before, and this knowledge and consciousness is shaping who I am and how I live. I try to make all my decisions based on compassion for myself and for the animals.

In other news, a few of you have been wondering where I have been… thanks for that! Since leaving for our western trip last year, there have been so many changes.  We eventually landed on the Treasure Coast of Florida, and I am now pursuing my dream of becoming a professional photographer!  Life is good.

Soon I hope to purchase this cookbook I have had my eye on, “Supermarket Vegan.” It is available through one of my favorite charities, Farm Sanctuary. They have others that I am eyeballing, “Vegan on the Cheap” and “The 4 Ingredient Vegan.” All of these titles I hope to have in my cookbook arsenal soon.  Once I start cooking from these recipes I will post here.

I would love to hear how your journey to live a more compassionate lifestyle is going! And as always, drop a line if you have a question or yummy recipe to share. I must now tend to my black beans and rice.

Posted by: conradvisionquest | December 5, 2010

Suprise, Surprise!

And not the good kind. Check out this article about surprising products that contain animal ingredients.

Kitchen Update: For those of you who don’t know, we finally have moved out of my parents house and I now have my very own (rented, hehe) kitchen! Even so, I am still not back into my old routine yet of cooking up a storm and trying new recipes to write about, but that will be coming soon. Thanks for all of the words of encouragement while we had to share a household and a kitchen with my meat-eating parents! Stay tuned…

Posted by: conradvisionquest | October 4, 2010

Dieticians View of Ex-Vegans

Excellent article titled “Ex-Vegans, Happiness and Vitamin B12.” Check it out.

Posted by: conradvisionquest | September 12, 2010

A Cook Without a Kitchen

We are in a transitional stage in our lives right now.  We are unemployed and looking for work.  We are technically homeless and living with my parents.  Our situation provides unique challenges, especially with our diets.

I really miss having my own kitchen.  Really.  I mean it.  Knowing where everything is.  Having a space all my own and stocked with things I use on a regular basis.  No dead animals lying around.  No explaining to do.  Just me and the food, prepared just the way I like it.

But now our vegetarian diets (struggling with being 100% vegan given our situation) are challenged on a regular basis by my meat-eating parents.  “It goes against everything I was taught,” my mother said to me over dinner the other night.  Now, I have not said a thing about their meat eating since we came here about a month ago.  Even though meal time can be very emotional as I watch them carve into their chickens and sear up some pork loin.  My mother is an artist when it comes to subtle digs, but I know her heart is in the right place.

“I’m just concerned about your iron.  You know how you are slightly anemic.”  I finally had had enough.  “You know, I always find it interesting when meat eaters are concerned about MY diet.  I’m concerned about your cholesterol and all the chemicals you are putting in your body by eating anitbiotic-laden dead animals!”  It wasn’t an argument we were having, just a discussion.  Being from the generation she is, unfortunately I don’t think my mother will ever understand.  Then there’s my father.  “Don’t you want a hamburger or something?”  He thinks he is being funny, but it’s not really that funny to me.

I remain as tight lipped as I can be, and happily make my mock tuna sandwich out of chick peas, and know that I am eating a diet that is as free from suffering as I can make it.

If you have a nagging mother who is concerned about your iron intake, check out this article on care2.  Who knew watermelons had iron?

Posted by: conradvisionquest | August 26, 2010

hello. hello again.

if anyone is still out there listening, you must check out vegnews.  i was just introduced to it by my blog pal Amanda over at The Peaceful Pantry. here’s what she says about it  “Unlike Vegetarian Times, which I also love, VegNews is 100 percent vegan. It’s the perfect mix of recipes, articles, facts about veganism, and product reviews.”  they have a really sleek, modern, and fun web site.  check ’em out!

i am still without my own home, therefor without my own kitchen.  once we get settled somewhere, i am sure i will be cooking constantly to catch up for all this time i have missed out of the kitchen!  see you then…

xoxox w

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